Dedicated to my cute wife!
For those of you who do not know our story, I will give you a brief synopsis of how we met. My family moved into the same ward that Mickelle's family attended. The year was 1994, 4 days after Mickelle turned 12. With her Mom in Relief Society, my Mom in Young Women's and my Dad in the Bishopric, our two families were intertwined a bit. Mickelle had the same Sunday School class as my younger sisters - Kimmie and Kammie. Mickelle moved out of the ward in December 1996 and we thought it was good-bye.
In September 2002 we were reunited via our mutual friend Michele and I had no recollection of knowing the Costantinos. Long story short, I am still made fun of because each member in my family remembers Mickelle as a young woman and my memory starts when she is a grown woman.
In order to appease my curiosity as to what I am missing of the young Mickelle, I dug up her diaries and opened the book given to her by her Grandma Britt for Christmas 1994. On the first page is a note from Kimmie saying "You're a real good friend", next was Kammie's "You're the best in being nice", clear evidence that Kimmie and Kammie knew Mickelle and I was out of the loop.
As I continued to read my love for this dear cute Mickelle grew as I read of her growing personality and of her testimony. I will only share this one thing about it, as I am sure she will already be embarrassed that I am blogging about the young Mickelle: in March 1994 she was having a sleepover with her cousins during Spring break and she wrote "I went to bed, but being not tired and unable to turn on the light (Corey already asleep in Jodie's room, where I was) I prayed that the person's light in the backyard would come on. It Did! No Coincidence! Just more testimony"
I love that Mickella! She's darling!
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
6 comments: sure got lucky to have Mickelle and she to have you! You are both great people. What you wrote about Mickelle is great. Very thoughtful
Awwww, this is so cute =) You're a great husband, Scott!
Scott I love that you put this up. And Mickelle you are awesome - please don't ever take this down :)
So Scott, you had to find a note from me in Mickelle's diary to believe we knew each other??? Silly brother. But seriously, super sweet entry. It's fun to get to know the people we love from a time when we didn't know we loved them. It helps make our love for them that much more special.
So cute. How fun. I think Jeremiah purposely lost all my old Journals. For some reason they all were lost about a year after we got married. Interesting.
YAY! I got my 3 seconds of fame in your blog. Woot woot! This is such a cute entry. I remember the young Kella, but only because we met and became great friends at Girl's Camp. Scotty, you will forever be made fun of for not remembering the young, adorable, lovable Mickella. But we still love you anyway!
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