Perhaps I will finish her baby blanket before Avie goes to college. Assuming I ever get a working sewing machine.
Wore long pants on Memorial Day. In Utah. What the heck?!?
Whenever Betsy gets a time-out she now insists on "loves and kisses." I cannot fathom that someday when she's in trouble all she'll want is a quick retort.
Collard Greens: Nobody cooks 'em, 'cause nobody eats 'em.
Avie does NOT need any more blankets or silkies draped over her head. Thank you, Betsy.
Watching the video monitor while Betsy pretends to sleep. Why is she repeatedly telling herself she has a stomachache (a word I've never heard her use) and why is it being said so cheerfully?
Organized Betsy's dresser. Or one drawer thereof. Is that enough to call it a productive day?
Avie will take only one kind of pacifier: the kind we lost. Go us.
Are there any diet plans out there that mandate living off of Cheerios? I could do that.
Singing "The Memaws on the Bus" is getting a little old, yo.
Dinner, make thyself.
How long should baby acne stay around for? And how do I avoid ending this sentence with the word "for" without sounding uppity?
Betsy can now open the bathroom door. Goodbye, privacy.
I liked it better when Betsy's toys were her toys, instead of my cooking, cleaning, sewing, and organizing supplies being her toys.
I heart baby belches.
I think it has finally hit me that Scott has a real job. Too bad it's taken NEVER SEEING HIM to hit the point home.
Betsy just "taco"-ed her baby doll. Man, that was cute.
Betsy and I just watched our first movie together: the old R&H Cinderella with Lesley Ann Warren. She loved it. I loved that she loved it.
Definitively, there is nothing more delightful than the way baby feet stay scrunched in so close to the body.
It doesn't matter how delightful the day has been; bedtime seldom comes too soon.
Having two kids means a bit less time with your spouse than before. But the moments, now scarcer, are more treasured, more intimate, more sacred.
Hmmm. I think Avie is a pacifier baby. I've never had one of those before.
Drumroll please: Gospel Doctrine teachers... for the third time in our marriage.
Scott worked 70 hours this week. Hopefully someone will re-introduce us on his next day off. (Which, I think, is the Sunday after next.)
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago