Tonight: So, Scott's at work and I'm trying to get Betsy to finish her toast by bribing her with canned peaches. (Um, very, very gross ones. In case you wondered.) She tells me she's "done eating toast," and, before I can even ask, she's followed up with, "It's all gone." She starts rapid-firing the "It's-all-gone" phrase, then becomes abruptly silent as I approach her chair.
I guess she still hasn't figured out the dropping-it-on-the-floor trick, because when I go to her chair, there's a huge slab of upside-down toast sitting smack-dab in the middle of her tray.
"You do too have toast! It's right here!" I tell her, turning it right-side up.
"It's sleeping." she replies.
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
oh my!.. the older they get the more tricky the think they can.. I bet she TOTALLY fooled you. So in case she tries to fool you in the future - toast doesn't really go to sleep Mickelle! ;) - So don't fall for it! :D
I love that she said its sleeping! I have a hard time sticking to my guns when Logan says funny cute stuff like that.
hilarious! Completely made me laugh; what a sweet and funny little girl you have!
I love it!
This reminds me of a vintage Weed story. Chris one time stole a no-bake cookie from off the counter when a babysitter was watching us. (Stealing cookies? Cardinal sin in our home.) When confronted after the babysitter told my parents what had happened, he exclaimed, quite perplexedly, "I thought it was a peanut-butter sandwich!"
Kids are so funny. Also, it sure sounds like she's talking up a storm these days.
Too Cute! Love her :)
Oh my goodness, I can just hear her little voice saying that. How smart is she anyway.
That is so my kids usually just put it under the napkin.
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